Advantia and Convair work together to secure 128.5t A-triple access in South Australia

42.5-metre 128.5-tonne A-triple access between Regional South Australia and Port Adelaide made possible by Advantia’s comprehensive road access and Performance-Based Standard (PBS) services.

Photo credit: Convair Engineering

Sensing an opportunity for a key client, Convair approached Advantia in late 2019 to look into options to improve the freight productivity of dry bulk transports between Regional South Australia and Port Adelaide. Whilst South Australia has an expansive Gazetted Road Train Network, securing access for more efficient Performance Based Standards (PBS) combinations requires significantly more engagement with road managers.

This is where Advantia’s skill set across road access and PBS is relied on, being able to achieve successful access outcomes for PBS projects starting with road manager access support to then progress through to PBS assessment and then build. This step through process ensures each stage of industry’s investment in new PBS equipment is supported by evidence based outcomes.

For Convair’s 42.5-metre A-triple, securing road manager support involved:

  • Discussions with South Australia’s Department for Infrastructure and Transport to determine the 128.5-tonne upper limit Gross Combination Mass (GCM) to safely operate the A-triple across bridges
  • Completing Swept Path assessments of the A-triple into Port Adelaide to demonstrate the A-Triple can safely complete all turning manoeuvres

With road manager support secured, the design of the A-triple required close consultation with Convair to ensure it was able to pass all Performance Based Standards to the required level. A-triple combinations are known for their superior swept path performance, but the high GCM and large number of articulation points also means the vehicle pushes the envelope on driveline and high-speed standards. To meet the performance criteria, the payload required a slight height restriction and the number of tyres available for use was restricted to only a few patterns. The prime mover engine and driveline components required certain upgrades as well. Despite the design changes and operating conditions required to pass the PBS requirements, the combination is still able to operate at the GCM of 128.5 tonnes.

Photo credit: Convair Engineering

Achieving an outcome that has matched the most efficient and productive combination to the available road infrastructure has meant significant productivity benefits will be realised. When compared to the existing road trains operating under the Gazetted notice, Convair’s A-triple achieves a 40% productivity improvement, resulting in fewer truck movements to transport the same freight task! This is why Advantia is the go-to partner for PBS access.

Have you been thinking about PBS or heavy vehicle access? Contact Advantia to discover opportunities for your business.